Even in the deepest darkness His light can penetrate There is no place we can run or hide that He won't find us Even the darkness is light to Him The night is as bright as the day The light of love can dispel all our darkness and fear It can chase away the dark clouds Or hold us close until they pass Even in the shadows there must be light We appreciate the darkness because of the light And appreciate light because we have darkness We find ourselves whole when we embrace The goodness and badness in ourselves When we accept our divinity and humanity It is in the shadow of the cross That we find His saving light
May we be a light in the darkness Shining bright for all humanity Let us be a beacon of hope to show the way Let us radiate the love and peace of Christ In a world that seems wrapped in despair and hate And when we feel the touch Of darkness in our lives Lord, send someone to lift us out of darkness And bring us back into light Amen.