This is ones story, Full of miseries and worry, Surrounded by silence of loneliness, All its prayers lost at the feet of the holiness, Living with bitter memories everyday, Time passes fast as like the month of May, Stretched hands towards its friends, And all left with their stories to end, Went to families for support, And was treated worst than a stray dog, Now it walks alone in the shadows, Looking out to the empty wretched windows, With aimless life and no one at reach, It follows the birds and bees to preach, Wise say life is short, But I say its not, For it has made one a beggar, Its life with memories stabbed with a dagger, Motionless it lays under shrubs and trees, Waiting for its soul to get free and body to freeze, From all the miseries and worries, That haunt it like how we hear in most stories...