The people i respected ,
And liked,
I saw ugly theirs,
Ugly faces,
My world of
Fairy tale ended,
It is the day
I have expanded my,
Materialistic experience,
Till now I kept surrounded
My self to thoughts I liked,
And peoples I admired,
As soon as I entered,
The reality,
My proxy shattered,
In reality
Here are so many ugly
Biased and dishonest faces,
Yes it is the day,
I put my experience in lessons,
Be silent ,
Never trust,
Never reveal,
Be like a mask,
Here are so many,
Ugly faces,
They may claim to be
Your best Friend, love, brother ,
Neighbor, classmates.
But my dear friend
Never reveal your secrets,
They will mock in your suffering,
They will take your resources,
And will leave you
When you will need them most.
And Yet they will claim,
That they are your well wishers.
My dear friend,
These are life's lessons from a
Teen who stepped into world so late.
Hide your emotions,
Your resources,
Never trust anyone,
Not to your own self,
Put a mask . And live
Life lessons from a teen