Please **** me now I can't handle this anymore I don't want these memories to fade But they make me want to die As they choke my breath away Then release soon enough to save me
I'm not ok I need you but You're never coming back to me I ruined everything And I've involved others too So the cycle never ends And it's all my fault
Please let me die I don't want to live with this forever I'd rather give up everything Than keep reliving our dead memories
And I can't even talk to anyone about it They either don't get it or They won't believe me Because I never know what I'm feeling
But right now I feel awful These tears won't stop burning my face And I feel more alone than ever
Nothing else matters Right now I am hurting And I can't take much more of it So please just let me let it go
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to keep breathing When my mistakes are like cyanide Seeping through my broken heart And drowning my lungs