We stood cold and frozen in the rain Raindrops hiding the tears you've shed Heads are bowed low, hearts broken to pieces Our bodies locked tight in a last embrace
Your breathing felt warm yet faint Our minds went blank and confused As much as we don't want to let go The rift between us grows wider by the second
As I held your small, fragile face up I can't help but stare at the fading light in your eyes We just had to lean in for one last sweet kiss Let the last spark of passion between us dissipate
As I try to let you go, you begged with dear life As I struggled to resist your plea, I knew I wouldn't win Even as I said goodbye, my arms were wrapped tight Frozen in place with you in between them
With all the strength I had left in my heart I turned my back to the sweetest memories we shared But you desperately clung to every fiber of my being I knew in my heart how badly I still wanted to stay
With all the voice you still had left You screamed your final "I love you's" I knew they're enough to make me turn around But this time, we need to let each other go
As I walked away dragging my resisting feet and I struggled to run away from your embrace God knew how it crushed the life out of me As I broke free from your heavy gravity
As I let you go, it took every cell in my being Every muscle in my body rebelled against me But because I love you with everything I have Letting go was the only way to save you from my destruction
As I let you go, all memories of us surged like flash floods Every smile of yours etched in my mind and heart All of your kisses that I know I will never feel again All those feelings broke out as tears fell from my eyes
I missed you every night in every dream You haunted me in every way I couldn't imagine Letting you go was my life's biggest regret But to see you broken in my last moments, that I cannot bear
As heaven took my last breath away Your small smiling face solely gave me ease I know I won't be able to embrace you in this life again So please wait for my return on our next chance
Stuck in a hospital on a rainy day. Was inspired to write this. :)