She held on too tightly, white knuckles shining through the blackest of nights, that returned with such venom, that she stung to her very core.
The shades came crashing down and the pull of the night dragged her curious mind back into her past. A past that was so familiar, it had become a second skin. Stretching over her lightness, an eclipse, of which escape seemed too far out of reach.
Surrounded by her friends she was still alone. The wall she'd built,Β Β towered above and was too high; There were days when it's bricks were cemented together with fear and jealousy. A black, sticky mass that no love could pass through.
She had to find her way back to the lightness. No longer could she endure. For she had felt the lightness that tugged at her soul and she dared to believe. Dared to hope
She fought until her knuckles and elbows bled with an angry, frustrated but knowing love.
She fought until just breathing and stillness were all she could summon from inside herself
And in this breathing and stillness she found her quiet mind. A mind so strong that it grasped her from dark to light in a single heart beat. Just as it had stolen the light away only hours before.
She would return to darkness time after time. She had accepted this.
But now she was loved, and she loved. And this love would always pull her back....