Look, The day will come where it takes a mortician to show you there are worse things than your depression Death or dismemberment It's not just your falsified insurance claim The day you fell to your knees and wept over the great pacific ocean In the city of angels you were humbled by its majestic potion The message in a bottle you never sent Your laziness allowed the entire ocean to be swept carelessly away for your lack of devotion The day you spoke about your loneliness sitting in an upright-coffin-confession Adjacent to the man who ***** children to make himself feel... more... man. Literally, I meant, he felt those young men.
Did that yet distract your pain? Remember that day that day you cried to your doctor Elaborating about your back and lack of motion She’d been crying She was trying to comprehend hospice for her cancer-ridden husband Off to die, he was sent Oh, that's exactly what it meant.
But, oh, that little tiny microscopic pain! Then there was that day you complained To your flat-mate about your job being so mundane. As she spoke of her boss firing her,* post-***** To avoid the human resource claim You were hell-bent over your issue… As she went insane.
Remember the day you went "insane" to your best friend About your second wedding being destroyed by the rain Your bestie was a man who had never felt the embrace of love affection or pain The ability to cherish The passion and pain of a woman, he had paralyzed legs, no woman had ever loved him Because he could never provide ***. And YES you booooooo-hoo-ed Over all your costume-esque dresses getting wet Whats next? You complain about the rain... A magical natural scene But LOOK, You've never once tried to see that persons suffering.
Selfish people. Self absorbed and thoughtless. #RE-WRITE