Once I write ‘em, I don’t read ‘em. If you’ve had a feast, You don’t go back to feast again - At least not feast selfsame. Eaten’s eaten, Drunk is drunk. The yester- feast a kind of bunk When looked at and reflected. Looked at un-corrected.
Nothing’s wrong With bettering that song, Polishing and honing, Yes, fine-tuning.
Last night’s feast had too much salt. You won’t do that again, Fix the fault But write some more. More’s the door To consummation. Less salt to improved digestion.
Break the silence, the taboos. Make the ‘boo boos’. Keep on going In the imperceptibility of growing. Cook the feast. Release the moment’s best And once you write ‘em, Leave ‘em.
Once I Write ‘Em 9.13.2017 A Sense Of The Ridiculous; Vaguely About Music II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking Meditative II; Arlene Corwin