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Sep 2017
Dozen military attempting crimes
Some didn’t expect it on children
When they wear religious Kasaya
Holding swords daring the police
Meant for protection but witness
In front of them, being slaughtered
Will they ever step forward?
Yes, but without their body parts
I’ve seen pictures of red rivers
Seen bodies of babies floating
Here we quarrel about border issues
There they don’t ask, just swings
Flesh into fragments of butchered meat
Like it’s a tradition, they *****
Left the bodies unburied, as trophies
As lessons to teach who believed
For their choices, for they were free
For they expected independence
For they believed to live with peace
Recently after a small silence, the Burma Buddhists acted again against the innocent minority (rohingyas) Muslims by slaughtering men, women, children and even they drowned little infants on the rivers. Turkish president has decided to talk about it in the US assembly and step forward by sending a troop to defend these poor people. We all pray for the victims.
Mane Omsy
Written by
Mane Omsy  25/M/Dubai
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