The poverty I am saddest about ( his shoutings about politics )
…..he read that online mine poetry about this poverty the stupidity started scolding me declared instantly me-moi as its enemy its words, so absurds a lunatic so terrific
not its area nor its section I oft write in Dutch and this is mine declaration
I do now one step lower From “it” I step a bit lower down to “his” his profession does not read poetry but he thought he could read poetry poesy and poems
true very pity not his art nor his profession he meddles in everything mine poetic wings, not his thing (contin.on Part 2)
This poem consists of three parts. This is Part One. True occurrence. An ordinary admirer becomes an insane stalker, unstoppable. I THOUGHT he was kindest, but I was mistaken Sunday 3rd Sept 2017 @ 8.19 hrs AM West-European Time