Vile innocence times three Tore me down to my knees That left a gaping hole in my soul Of varying degrees
Caught off guard And confused I experienced violence in bloom While they reveled the brutality of victory
Time stood still, as they got their fill Of tagging in and out of the game Beaten and bare, my voice never found air Knowing my life was forever changed
While my dignity was stripped I prayed death would be quick Leaving the unbearable pain and suffering behind
The gravity of which is unknown To the abyss, I made sure it was thrown Never to surface again and see the light of day
Regrettably, the dark secrets we keep Do start to seep And engulf every crack and crevice of a waning mind
So, my battle rages on To find meaning in a life that's long gone And make peace with the afflictions of Dark Innocence..
Simply put...Many times, bad **** happens to decent people! Dealing with the fallout is a treacherous road; however, there is hope and healing if one is willing to travel it!