It's funny how I actually love how you reason with me, instructing me and turning me back where I belong.
Friends. While soft blue skies gently fade, peach thence Upon the heels of all we knew t'avail, Ne wind now but a whisper that'd exhale Twixt silent leaves ah, search the keener sense Of: that. From Jonathan and David whence We see lives traded cuz of that detail, To what I knew with Mum, to in betrayl My darling brothers, to yes, you, come hence. The LORD called us His friends if we'd ah, fer All that, keep His commands, yea told us too What He shall do within this world as twere, And love, forsooth, is crucial in that cue. So then? We love, and yield our lives in tour: For friends, as skies turn now a deeper blue.
Turns out I can perhaps despite aught, churn out a sonnet, while you meantime own every minute and then some.