Tell me how very stupid I am, tell me I don't know ****. Tell me it's only my imagination, tell me not to trip. Tell me what a fool I'm acting, even tell me I'm a liar... Just tell me that this time apart hasn't put out the fire. Tell me that I really don't see love dying in your eyes. Tell me all I've known to be real wasn't just made up of lies. Tell me that the desire is still there, that passion is still alive. Tell me something as strong as 'us' knows only how to survive. Tell me that the affection, now gone, is something I still can feel. Tell me that all my doubts and fears are unfounded and unreal. Tell me it's just my messed-up head, tell me it's all a mistake... Tell my feelings to stop hurting so much, tell my heart not to break. Tell me that you can't live without me the way I can't without you. Tell me how much you still do love me though I'll know it's not true....
Just going thru some old notebooks and came across this one. It's old, but I kinda like it