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Jul 2017
The last few dying leaves of autumn
Desperately clutching their sterile lifeline
Like a hopeful body preserved cryogenically

Refusing to give in to the inevitable
Season of death.

Congealed memories of

                          Long summers:

                           Warm breezes


Flowing freely in every vein
Assuming the promise of forever

And the more distant memories of spring:

                             New growth    
                             Bated breath

                         Each day savored    

(A whole year in the distorted
       Knowledge of the mature)

The youthful knowing that life is forever
Only to be lost one day
    In the distorted knowing of the mature.

The heavy frost of late Autumn  
Soon breaks the will
And the leaf is at the mercy of the winds–



                     Blowing aimlessly

Until the eventual fall to earth
Where it turns back into what it always was.

Yet one fine spring day




The youthful knowing that
Life is forever.

--Daniel Irwin Tucker
I was going to wait until late fall to post this, but since i use "leaves" and "Autumn " as metaphors, i don't think it really matters.
Daniel Irwin Tucker
Written by
Daniel Irwin Tucker  M/Canada
   Lorraine Colon and ---
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