And to you, my child I cannot promise you the world Nor a string of jewels to wear on your neck or even money But I can offer you my love A love so great with the magnitude of black holes Not just the cool ones in your science books But the ones that swallow entire planetary systems and clusters of stars I can't promise you much, baby girl But I can promise you that you'll never ask yourself if someone loves you You'll never wonder if there's a point to life You'll never doubt your worth
Baby girl.
I was raised by a hard man But a hard man who loved women A hard man who loved his women His wife. His mother. His sisters and his daughters. I was raised by a man that taught me to stand tall not like her father But like the woman she would become I was raised by a man that taught me to reason. To think. To question authority if need be.
Go out into the world, baby girl, and live. Be who you are even when that's not enough for your crush next door. Because at the end of the day, The Sun will set And the Moon will rise