Happy aren't you, on what you see here,in my humble garden?
Life isn't always a garden nice, for some never,one would think.
It would seem a field ravaged by the vagaries of nature,
Even if you try to keep it as the apple of your eye.
Crops get uprooted abruptly,field gets waterlogged,slushy,
Yet you find a far corner nice,clean and dry,a wonder, right?
Sit down there for a while and meditate on such,wonders,
That keep our boat afloat, during the times of uncontrolled floods,
I do that when I am elated, while feeling down and hapless as well.
This world, is created to be good and generates happiness for all.
That's what my dad taught me as we would play hard to get
There and attain goals,without hurting, the others who compete.
"That" he would insist ,"is the spirit, to be nurtured always"
But then we changed,ideas are now different,we need to speak.
On taming our wild ways,by getting in to the lap of mother nature.
Resolving differences is a step forward, bad Karmas left behind,
Every moment of meditation,makes mind a still and clear lake!
"From darkness, lead me to light, I'll gladly share it with others!"
When the light enter in to the sanctum sanctorum of tranquil mind,
What more one would need, isn't living that experience bliss?