ain't it easy to do? I know I do it too the man with the contained smile laughs trapped bubbles surface the air as he mocks the women on stage for calling themselves wildfires as he sanctimoniously recites Dead Poets Society seize the day, grab it by the throat and swallow it drink the Latin into oblivion hand reaching, stumbling, stalling, stop I can’t go further I weep eggshells for you to step on The truth leaves residue like the masochistic taste ******* leaves in your brain for days trampled flowers left in a cackle they’re right, I don’t want to be a candlestick the match is not needed because I’m not a ******* flame There’s no use in burning when will you understand? just because the road is paved with knives will not make your pain more tolerable there could be a forest inferno in that chest of yours for years, you could let it wallow and simmer just to feel warm but nothing will continue to grow your angry resilience will be just that angry there’s a blaze of fury that you can start a healing for those third degree burns you so desperately cling to because it’s better to be damaged goods than fragile, vulnerable, a sensitive nerve and I understand but bathe in your own tears for a while listen to the trickling of water from a bathtub call your name kiss the rivers you know are capable of growing in you flirt with the oceans that have missed your company revel in the fact that you can be delicate and equally dangerous drink your water and know that the poison will drain and that the calm was meant to hold you not rob you