Peace, happiness, security- we reach for these, but they often slip from our grasp as life wreaks
hearts, and we hit bottom.
Chaos around flutters our heads bats like
worries crowd in and fill our ears eyes and lungs until they're our every waking moment and we can't breathe as they surround us,
and loss, coming and going in a flash, takes us out at the knees, rips someone from their place in our hearts, and leaves us b r o k e n on the ground with no way out...
a still, small voice beckons you out of your pain; the whisper of a Father who promises love, peace, and an end to the darkness.*
His arms encircle you, His presence fills you, His love hushes your pain, like a mother quieting her child, changing your tears of heartache to those of awe that this kind of love should not only simply exist, but be given to you. And on the heels of love comes *peace.