She said she moved across the countrey to Get away from her sister They got a divorce and it was Against her beleifs. Against God. I told her firmly That i empathized How it must be hard to move across The world, to pack up everything Just for your morals She said she and her husbamd moved in with the ex husband her sister And that the whole family besides herself Supported her sister. I said that must be hard. Then when she loved me Knew i understood. I promptly told her i was polyamorous. That my lover moved to ireland To live with her husband Packed up everything And how hard that must be and She did not flinch I held her as she cried on my shoulder She in the fifteen moments I saw her Realized there is a whole world of differences She can find comfort in when she is alone She never once knew what I thought of her Morals How In my family we have divorce celevrations. How ending is always a new beginning How you can love amd still realize that a forever is going to make you miserable Or never having a baby will **** you Or being ***** every night is going to torture you Even if the abuser is your own husband I worry for her safety. A woman who doesn't beleive in the word stop. Doesn't consider leaving Or letting go I could never trust someome like that. I would never be able to see them without feeling regret. There is no words for the sorrow I place in that body of theirs. And it is not my place to change it. But I can tell them how happy i've been Letting go someone I love, forever. Not because We are unhappy. Just because it was time for them to go. Tell her how I still love them. How i miss them every day, but it does not depress me. It enlightens me. Tell them of all my happy memories libraty labrynth where she made me look her up with the dewey decimal system Ice skating and backwards buttwiggles Every time we stayed up late and I whispered that she existed. Because even I wasn't convinced. Now that she's left. I'm still not.