tiny hands place wooden eggs inside empty play dough cups all in a row. mummy which ice cream you like? I smile before answering, the flower and vitamin c one please okay good he says. i place a beeswax crayon inside tiny hands in exchange for my ice cream.
i watch as he drops tiny, special things inside a tiny bag. a very hungry caterpillar bag.
a wooden tool, a waterlemon jigsaw piece, tiny plastic spoon and empty tic tac boxes. so many tic tac boxes.
i regret that i am an impatient woman and some days forget the beauty in these little things.
i watch as he takes sweet breaths with eyes closed, through cupid bow lips. i am reminded these are not the little things, but the big things.
if there was one thing, one big thing, i could bless him with, it would be that he may never lose his eye for life's little things too long.