I try to kindle a sweet pupa As I bring it here to my room And I keep it there on the floor. Then I start to observe it regularly. Soon one day it starts to stir up So I try to help the moth inside And I cut its pupa with a knife.
What came out was a beautiful butterfly!
But the butterfly would not fly, Instead it started squirming there, And it looked quite pitiful grounded. The natural struggle had been absent. It was a sinful mistake at that time, My helping it break open its pupa, It had not learned to struggle.
I watched it staying so grounded there!
I could not make it learn anything, My helping it metamorphose was bad, And it was actually criminally awful, Now it will spend its life thinking, And only thinking that it is normal, Lying & squirming was its capability, I hate myself for ruining the pupa.
I am so sorry for The Mystery. I have realized what mistake I made. It was totally wrong trying to manipulate. I'll admit that I should've stayed away. Now the girl might never realize it.
But she had a lot of scope to toil hard. Toil hard to reach the pinnacle of success. I'm sorry to have ever come close to you.
Please don't be like the disturbed pupa. You can do a lot of hard work yourself. Please don't hesitate to work hard in India.
Away from India you have to work harder. And I have known more stories of people who broke down. Please don't think that you must do the opposite of whatever I say.
I rest my case in hopes that you will not do your own damage in a bid to show me that I have always been wrong.
I wish that I could revert the time back to December 31st 2012 wee hours when the actual damage happened behind the veil of love.
It was untimely love for you and me.
I don't say anything like you were immature for love at that time but I just wanted to recount the things as they came out.