"its not smallllllllllll a smol dragon would be like, a neck dragon hes big, just not hugeeeeeee"
Ohhhh okay. He's a big dragon, but not huge. His teeth are like little point pearls do you see how shiny they are? and pink
"why are his teeth pink"
They are pearls.
"but pearls are white"
then his toofers are white.
"gooood good hygeine"
Mhmm One of those pearls in his dragon maw his little baby toofeers thats you
because than you can fly with him everywhere. Just imagine looking down through his mouth at the cityyy as he flyyyys and sitting all nestled in his lip Blue and yellow leather He could sing you storiessss and brushes his toofers so his breath would be warm but not stinky
"My small tenant" He says to you. as you crawl out of his gum and walk out onto his tongue.
What is your dragon houses name?
"his name is roxy"
He's making a very silly face, sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes to talk to you he sounds silly too talking with his tongue out "Welcome Home. "
"i loveeeeee"
Roxy the Blue and yellow Horse sized Dragon House. "Ready to slide?" he asks you
he swallows you it's very slippery and fun! like a water slide And is warm, but not smelly becaus he brushes his teeth you fly over muscles and liquids and tongue and land on a biiiig trampoline You can hear Roxy from all around you, quite loud "Having fun, my tennant?" You are the small size, or a dragons tooth.
"good :3"
"uh oh!" He cries you see fire from his back it's zooming towards you!
"nooooooooooo run awaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy"
You run up towards his tongue and trip into the sticky icky The fire is warm and tingles oup your back then is over and you standup, the back of your clothes all burnt off and your front all sticky icky "I'm sorry, tennant" "I sneezed"
"its oki roxy."
Roxy fashions their tongue like a staircase for you to come back outside
"daddy? Im sleepy... Can we finish the story tomorrow night?"
me too Babygurl. ^^ Yes we can
Good night
"ninighht daddy. sleeeepppppp well. i love you"
I love you too baby girl ^^ Sweet dreams.
You curl up in roxys empty tooth spot, he covers you in his blanket tongue. it is warm. but not stinky. and you drift soft to sleep "Good night, Tenant" "I love you"
"i love you ttooo roxy."
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