If you are to bear a child Let someone into you, and release a being into your womb, Let it grow And then birth it from your stomach and into the world You shall not abandon this new life, this new life should be the center of your universe Not compared to the serpent, because you wanted the apple There are too many children that live Unwanted By their parents with white dust on their nose, whom lock the kids up so they can catch the stars that they should be seeing in the bright green eyes of the child they brought into this earth but then said no They cannot handle the world When it is not orbiting around their being They cannot handle the difficult labor of the being they crafted from the ashes of a poisonous love They cannot handle the space it takes up, the occupancy, the screaming that leaves their lips because all they want is their mother to look upon them without drowsy eyes and tell them she loves them Tell them she cares Tell them she cares more about them then the needles lying all over the house Tell them she wants them to be happy Tell them she will read them a bed time story and kiss them goodnight But all their life ever is, is the echoes of fights, and screams, arguing over money, yelling at them for simply existing That was when I learned how to cry, silently When I realized that dope, was more sufficient then love from the mother who bore me When I realized that dad would never love mom even though he breathed carbon monoxide into her pure lungs, when her adolescence was at its peak That's when I, was born out of the ashes of their sinful intentions