Lay under the stars with a lover, talking about the meaning of life. 2. Take one risk that may lead to regret, but you’ll at least have a story to tell your children. 3. Fall in love with the wrong person, at least you’ll have learned. 4. Drive along a dirt road after midnight, inhaling the country air and appreciating for just one moment that technology has not yet reached this part of the earth. 5. Go swimming in a lake with nothing but your skin and the sand between your toes. 6. Play your music so loud on a warm summer night that your neighbors scream for you to turn it off. 7. Ride on one upside-down rollercoaster after just eating cotton candy and popcorn. 8. Dye your hair one crazy color and watch it fade, because any color is better than black and white. 9. Stay out until four o’clock in the morning in your friend’s car, hanging your head out of the window and just living. 10. Make memories that will cause a serious case of nostalgia when you’re old and withering from the soft caress of time.