this is exactly the moment the collision occurred this is the distortion of reality the glance at your hands gripping the wheel this is the stoppage of time the numbing silence
you looked so beautiful knowing it would hurt i always figured it would i always asked you to wear a seatbelt you always asked me to leave in peace this is it then
this is the tranquility of non-existence this is the blood in my mouth that i can't identify as mine or yours and this is the steel frame of the car and heart distorted
this is where fate meets human fragility where the light makes sounds where i can't remember the last words i said to you but i hope they were clever
i hope something becomes of me i hope you here my voice in car horns and see me in ambulance lights
you were always so vibrant and i wonder where all your light went back to the crash then i felt us collide with the guardrail and my soul wrap arounds yours