An open letter to those poets who align to the center:
When prose sits in the middle it resembles gift-card drivel. It cheapens your work; your use of italics irks.
Choose a side. I don’t care if it’s left or right, Or center-right or alt-right (whatever that is).
The indecisive have a lot to answer for us being divisive.
Did that centered poem you wrote distract you from casting a vote?
Stop fence-sitting in-between and enjoy a splintered 2017, from one side.
Disclaimer: I have used my dislike for center-aligned poems as a device to be 'political'. I understand this is a stylistic choice and I do not mean any offence to poets who prefer this layout. My opinion on this matter is dwarfed by my political frustrations.
If non-voters feel uncomfortable reading this poem, that is precisely the intention.