there is a hole in my tooth but there is bigger one in my soul. i will lay my head against my pillow again longing, pleading that every breathing wouldn't expand the hole within me. every joke i have to ***** out of me every laugh i have to hurt my ribs to execute every smile i have to crack my skin to present because they are only there when you're happy. my academics will yell at me for marking it so slow but how can i listen to the lectures when the voices inside my head are louder than my teacher? each moment of my life i am accompanied with a screaming will to live, asking for its life and i will realize that i'm the only one who is killing it. it is difficult to help yourself when your own murderer is you. i will hate every moment when i have to be alone because alone means silence and i can hear them more i tug my hair hoping that with every pulled follicle will vanish the ghost that lives in me. it is hard to feel okay with people when it is programmed in your brain that every person has their bad side and you are its trigger. my world has completely turned black & white no grey, no hue, nothing in between. and here comes another day of right first before left, closing your stomach before it inflates, joining the hateful voices in your head i am my own murderer and i will not cry until i drown myself in the ocean of my own pain.