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Nov 2016
The naysayers will tell you to quit

The people who don't want change will tell you it is pointless

The opposition will ridicule you and dehumanize you

But remember this,
The fallen commend you
The disenfranchised
The ones who fought for rights they'd never have
The people who live in fear require you
The powers that be fear you
The leaders who cannot lead the unruly fear you
The poison of doubt is relinquished as you march

No change is easy, so keep marching, keep screaming, flood the streets with the voices of truth.

The land of the free can only be, when that slogan is for all people.

So let them mock you, but do not let them defeat you
So let them curse you, but do not give them your hatred
So let them doubt, but in return give us hope

The world is watching and we need you.
Devin Ortiz
Written by
Devin Ortiz  USA
     Breeze-Mist and Glass
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