i try to find a million words to match all that i am feeling, but all that comes out of my mouth is steam. hot air, water clinging to my breath. i'm longing to drink coffee with you on a balcony where everything is beautiful, including us, and all you can say is a cool breeze of a "thank you"
we are not angels. we stopped doing those drugs since dreaming can numb you.
i beg you to rip my wings from my back. they don't remember how to fly. i've forgotten how, since you've stopped coming to my window, since you've stopped calling me pretty, since you have been on my mind like a scratched cd, and that one line is full of your words, and they repeat over and over and over and over.
i used to be bright. but all glitter is not gold. this i remember.
i cant bear to even look at the stars. those broken constellations seem so sad now that you aren't thinking of me when you see them. i open my mouth and all that comes out is a swarm of bees and they sting me into fragility until i just break.
we weren't even what i had wanted anyway. so why does this hurt?