I am the beauty that which captures even my own canvas.
An illustrious painting to things undeserving-- wrapping up ugliness with the truth of nature-- these shrubberies will hide and protect those from the dangers within myself.
Convincing the world that We are not dying or struggling, but merely making art-- is this not the means of artistry.
If I do not suffer then I will never complete my Sistine chapel or find the real Mona Lisa hidden amongst these frauds.
These fears are real, and every day they are realized-- where my peers, friends, family say 'I will be fine" so I act as if I am.
No longer eating instead I portray the art of eating-- the sun has found out I am defenseless against it, but I still paint myself in the light so my lilies can survive off the energy draining out of me.
A perspective on perspective and art. Hiding in plain sight.