if you say, "i'm right here." when i tell you i miss you one more time i'm going to place my hand on your chest just to see if your heart is still beating.
i bet twenty dollars that it's not. i bet thirty that it is, just not for me.
if you say, "i know." when i tell you i love you one more time i'm going to dust your heart for finger prints to see if it's still mine.
i'll get a CAT-scan of your mind... just to see if i'm still on it.
i'm tired of playing "go fish" so i can guess what you're feeling "got any love?" because lately you won't show me your cards but i'm pretty sure you still have my heart.
i look at your internet search history... just to see if you're still looking for ways to make me smile.
there used to be something here, alive and blooming and present; it was beautiful. the same way my mother's favorite vase was, until it fell off the shelf and broke.
i check your mail box, just to see if there are any love letters that you forgot to send.