The lighter breath of air Sends shivers through the spine of weeping willows As dragonflies flirt with kindle crackle I sit somewhere under the arch of Orion Surveying all that is mine Blink one, on Blink one, off. It is lonely in the dark Yet, here in the solitary freedom I freely think of her So I may be lonely; Though I am not alone
There is a civilised glow to the horizon As I shrink with the Jetstream of those little lights Blink one on, blink one off Blink two on, blink two off I am my own trail of smoke En route from the burning tip of a slowly decaying cigarette How the paper wrap burns under a heavy breath Conceding to my need of escape Dancing in rings around the wisp of haunted words and subtle strings
I find hope in the sky that looks upon us both Lowering clouding allowing me inside its gentle comfort Carrying me north, With the distant sound of memories converging as a guidance runway, Blink one on, Blink one off Blink two on, Blink two off
Home, within sleep, within the air You draw breath and take me in The seagulls are silent in honour of your first sleep As life assimilates dream The brain picks into memory Extracting the clouds, leaving stars The belt of the archer as secret camouflage of the world around. We are dandelions, free from anchors Sailing through the tips of reeds and listening to their silent hum in the breeze We sail on swan back and climb interconnecting necks They shadow a symbol of love upon the rippling stream
in moment of lift Together into air Over bramble and bush, teasing with the bark of trees, Escaping greedy fingers that wish to pull us apart Balance on branches and rest Somewhere in the sky.
There we stay Between the moon beams and starlight twinkle Sleeping softly together in the arms of an archer Blink one on, Blink two on Here we fail to fade Our own pollen rejuvenating us into a million lifetimes Forever starting and ending with each other We are the centre of calm Sleeping softly together Under the same sky Above the same earth In the blink of an eye Blink one, blink two You and I