Music Plays over and over and over In my head And I reach for earphones I never plugged in.
I'm shaking off flashbacks, Like a dog shakes its' flank, And I'm hoping no one sees me Dancing 'round the fire in the woods.
I favor the Crucible Over Gatsby, But that's because I've always thought F. Scott Fitzgerald's other works were so much better.
The sky is clear, So is my mind. I don't feel clouded, I don't feel foggy.
I feel real and honestly me, And I can't speak for anyone else But I hope to God I stay this way For weeks.
I want to live And I want to be And look at me I'm wanting things, Like laughter and smiles and talks.
I want all the aspects of life I never really got.
And the sunny clear sky Makes me think of a certain Bluebird's eyes.
And I'm sure, Absolutely positively That anxiety building in my wrists And the flashbacks I'm keeping at pay Will fade away Like the scent of blood That triggered them.
Stop the flinching from the loud, And ignore the memories of blood down my legs, And guilt So much guilt So much loss. Grieving someone that was never a someone, That I didn't even know was there, Until it was much, much too late.
Shaking my head, To shake out the memories To forget the loss, And remember the gain.
Loss and pain is necessary In order to live life knowing That good can still exist And how wonderful it feels.
I'm struggling to write this out, But it needs to be said.
I've lost a lot. I'm not losing you.
Here's to trying And giving it all we've got, All I've got.
I am going to be the best me possible, If not for me then for you, And for a future much brighter and warmer Than a hospital room.
Up and down and up and down and holy crap so many thoughts and things to say.