Today everything isn't quite so beautiful The sun is shining and there's a soft breeze flowing through a beautiful white tapestry with gold embossed threads.. I hung in my window the birds sweetly woke me from my sleep I was able to meditate for a little while and decrease some of my pain and sickness I still don't know where it's coming from
Then I hear the demanding of others People asking me to help them when I'm the one who needs it I asked them to call me... I beg I implore still no answer
then I hear a dog barking It just won't stop I hear a child crying and a mother yelling cursing she closes the window so I hear faded pieces of her bellowing voice the child's cries.... demanding apologies for things the child doesn't understand and his heart that she cannot
consequences she's in enforcing consequences... someone is snapping twigs trees are falling feels like it's her breaking a switch on him I guess he's not having a slumber party after all Now the child is just sitting on the stoop forced to be quiet with tears rolling down his cheeks he still beautiful to me I wish I could whisk him up Take him to a happy place See a smile upon his lonely... saddened face
Everything isn't always so beautiful I guess it just helps me to appreciate what I have all the more..... And hope and pray have faith that tomorrow will be a little bit better for all of us.