when i'd be asked in the past 'do you collect anything?' as a child i'd feel an obligation
my friends collected buttons, christmas ******* rings, compiled shells, or gas station keyrings
so i collected can tops and squishy toys from beach side shops pointy pointless scraps of metal that now sit in a dusty jar and stuffed lizards and seahorses in a box under an old bed
and when they said they didn't get it i knew i didn't either but i'd say the metal is sentimental it really is a keeper honest
and now i'm older i'm no objector to being a collector promise
because in a box inside my heart beyond the dust, i'm honest, i keep a stash tied in a sash of all the things i've sprinkled with stardust
of all the memories of days i loved and too ones fogged with miseries
of scars formed from thunderstorms for thorns are as much of a blessing as the caressing from surrounding roses
of people who loved me and people i despised of eyes i glanced at once and should i see again would go unrecognised
for when i'm collecting moments i am collecting lives and there is no better way to be alive than revising every moment as if it were chosen by you from that gas station instead of just through obligation