With promises to spend our lives together, Hand in hand we decided to walk And share each smile, divide the pain Oh my love, how horribly we have strayed
On separate paths we now walk, Miles away from each other we are I see you and yet we are far apart
I know I have hurt you And seen the pain your eyes oh how much it hurt me to know That I was the reason
To right the wrongs I have done To get back the love I have lost I need to walk miles, but hon for you I will
I remember the time in our youth When we sang and danced together And that lovely smile would grace you Which made everything okay
I remember the days we'd walk around The hills and the valleys, discovering us With you close to me, the sun never ceased
I'd climb the tallest mountain and Cross the harshest sea, Just so you could be with me
I miss that, spending time with you So busy with work we get that we forget Living this life to its fullest
And now as I take my last breath, I see all the times I spent with you And what more could have been Alas not in this lifetime.