the home we once lived in with wardrobes in shambles and drawers with clutter is now empty.
i packed everyone's bags, gathered the last pushpins from the wall in the kitchen, and went on with my life.
i made sure to grab the books we'd hidden in the attic as well as the photo album you'd stashed under the floorboards.
i opened the curtains and then swept the floors. i made our bed for the last time and collected the closings of the dust on the mantelpiece that nobody ever cleaned.
i got two extra boxes for all of the medication unfinished. i marked them "fragile", for they were glass capsules containing the substance needed to keep my daughter alive. but her illness didn't **** her.
i was well aware of the dog's bed, and it found a place in the passenger seat of my suv. his quiet whimpers and cries were all i heard that evening as i drove away from what once was my life.
when i finally got to my feet again, i returned to making dinner for myself. i only knew how to cook for seven, and i found tranquility in washing things in sevens. now i made food for one and washed for one.
i accidentally brewed two coffees this morning, in hopes you were still here to take it and laugh at me for making it too strong, but you're not. i awoke at noon the day before and sobbed, for i was used to being awoken by child's laughter and small bodies climbing into our bed.
tomorrow, i will bring your briefcase to work and leave it on your desk. i'll collect it when i go to leave and frown at the fact you never opened it. i'll dispatch you three times in the field, but you won't respond.
i used to see our wedding day, but now i see your funeral. i used to see our children's births; but i've gotten used to their bodies in morgues.
your physical features become the trauma described during your autopsies, and our family photos became the ones used in the funeral program.
the home we once lived in with wardrobes in shambles and drawers with clutter is now a house;
a house with things that even i can't pack away.
• this is based loosely on a story i am currently working on. my fanfiction is , so check it to keep up with my works!