Facts remain the same Facts don't change It's the mind of an individual that changes.
Facts remain the same Facts don't change It's the thought process of an individual that changes.
Facts remain the same Facts don't change It's the intention of an individual that changes.
The more we get involved in the way of getting things done, the more closer we come to the number of possibilities that seem to be possible with regards to the future.
An uncertain future, however bright and promising it may seem to be, one thing remains for certain, the future remains uncertain.
Better to be a part of the present Better to be a part of the present moment in time and then get everything done rather than depending on an uncertain future. This is because one thing is going to remain the same One thing is going to remain certain Facts remain the same Facts don't change
It's the time that passes by, which needs to be taken into account and taken care of along with the passing moment in time. Definitely facts remain the same Facts don't change