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Apr 2016
It won't be easy and you won't get it straight
When the sun goes on you in agony
You be ready to go to madness to the great

I might been sad and broken and jammed
But kept your love in very tremble way
Once I'm done, I really am
I'll plead you leave and not to stay

You see Paris crying above your head
And gothic wind is to come to blow your heart away
October the fifth you wake up in your bed
Perchance you'll see it coming through the rays

You moved to Venice to obtain any good
But as for me I chose freedom
To lie and sleep and brood
Upon the past, and I still see 'em

The visions of you and me in flames
Burning down to the ashes
Our love which's unmaking to the frames
Now falling down with the smashes

Of the feelings in my chest
Goodbye I tell you at that fest
Of all the heart-broken ones
Never thought of joining the club

I never expect love to lie thus
And the fate that way to fool around
Is there anything that left for us?
Or we have nothing to be bound (to)?
Zed November
Written by
Zed November
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