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Mar 2016
I've been sick within my soul
Without an end. Without a goal
Only evil did I serve
An evil fate what I deserved
But Jesus came to rescue me
By His sacrifice I'm FREE!

Lifelong service to my Lord
His salvation my reward
His wooing Voice at last I heard
He will help me by His Word
Now I finally understand
I will never leave His Hand

Though at one time I was estranged
My conscience He has rearranged
Now I blossom. Now I grow
In the righteousness I know
I do not live upon my whims

I give my very LIFE to HIM.

(C) 3/11/2016
I was almost a complete washout as a human being. Even during the time that I've serve the Lord I've done things I'm not proud of. But He is faithful. And He will never take His hand from me. I can leave Him to do my own thing. But if I acknowledge Him in all my ways He will bless me. Blessings come in many forms. Sometimes hard times are blessings. They prepare me for service. I am actually a soldier. I have armor I put on daily. The girdle of Truth. The breastplate of Righteousness. The sandals of Peace. The helmet of Salvation. The Shield of Faith. And the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. My only offensive weapon. I can only tell you these things are true. I've experienced their Truth for myself. It's up to you to make your own decisions. And I would never force you into believing anything I say. God won't either. He's like a lover. He will woo you. That is what He did with me. And I love Jesus with all my heart!

He literally saved my life!

I have allowed my chores to build up. I must spend some time today on duty to my mom. I'll really try to read later on. I LOVE to read. But cannot do it always. Please understand.


Written by
       Francie Lynch, ---, ---, Seeker, peyman and 27 others
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