A picture perfect natural beauty; sunlit chassé … feathered brush, demure blush dancing with basket of lace petal’d perfume
For to colour a heart's blank pages rapt in the poesy a joyous ecstasy .., enrapture with rainbow's luscious taste
What seems lost is but a tender vestige unfound a passing moments innocence lost to steal away like rumors of gold
These silent reveries seep from a hole in my heart, as if ripe strawberries of yore, gently weeping sweetness when pricked by a thorny rose
The ides of spring do still bleed a timeless ache onto the page ... sweet naivety stung by a mesmerizing dart to the heart
Songbirds in your garden do sing of sweetest things immersed in nature's nectar blissful memories sleeping in the petals of a rose
Sung to the wind by a song sparrow — ♪ ♫...✩ ☼✩ ✩☺✩
If only now in dreams of yore a sky full of stars shine brighter, a garden of flowers fragrance more pungent, and songbirds in your garden from yesteryear sing tantalizingly more beautiful ..., when you were near