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Jan 2016
I can't write out what I really mean to say
All I can bring myself to do is cry and cry
Until I am breathless.

And I am ashamed of what I have done
I hold the most regret in my heart and feel the pain of my choice every single day

I wonder what you would look like
And what you would laugh like
And of what color your eyes and hair would be

And I just don't understand how I could ever be forgiven.

I wish so desperately I could go back and choose differently.
I become so angry now when I hear women and men talk about abortion
I want to scream and cry until I am drained.
I hold my stomach and wish I hadn't been so selfish

I wish I could hold you, every minute, every day
I wish I had you sleeping beside me with a sister you would have loved so dearly
And she would have loved you more than anything.
She would have protected you... Which is what I should have done.

It's been a year and a half. You would have been one soon.
Maybe walking by now.
I wonder if you still grew, with God up in heaven with all of the other millions of children who should have been here.
I wonder if you can see me and my tears.

You still consume my thoughts
As if you made your bed there and are forever sleeping..

I will never make peace with the decision I made.
This is not meant to be a poem. It is not meant to be "beautifully written". There is nothing beautiful about the regret that I carry. I went to church today and the priest talked of abortion. He said "People wonder where the scientists are who will find the cure for cancer.Β Β Where are the brilliant individuals who will create the cure for AIDS?Β Β And God looks upon us and says: I have sent them to you, but you erase them away".

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could go back.
Written by
PaperclipPoems  Nor Cal / Arizona
(Nor Cal / Arizona)   
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