When I told my phsysical therapist that I'm a lesbian, her answer was a question I did not ever expect; "So... Are you a lesbian because you are disabled and you cannot get a boyfriend?" I was speechless, looking at the wall, stunned. *******, she did not just stereotype every single disabled homosexual to have ever existed. I stammered no, and I tried to explain that I have had boyfriends before, it just wasn't my thing. Looking back now I realise that, I should not have explained anything because I don't ever need to explain anything about the people I love. I have had a thing for girls, since I was three, and when I was three years old I did not notice my disability, the way it's being noticed today. And the absolute most heartbreaking thing about both my sexuality and my disability is, that I still do not notice it as much as everybody else seems to do. I can be the best girlfriend ever, no matter what my sexuality is, no matter how my body looks. And don't get me wrong; I like guys too. I think guys are wonderful. If God had created Eve and Ava, who would have brought me into this World? I can get a boyfriend if I want one, maybe someday I find the most amazing guy ever, and I will not let my sexuality stand in my way. But for now, I am a disabled homosexual, who decided to tell you about it. And dear physical therapist: I have never judged you, not even when you told me you fell for a fat guy, and now you're married. So don't ask me if I'm only a lesbian, due to the fact that I have a disability, because guess what? I'll have my disability no matter if, the person I'm dating, has a ***** or a ******.