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Dec 2015
I lay in my bedroom,
Near lifeless I was,
Hardly any movement,
Neither voluntarily,
Nor involuntarily,
To parents' utter disappointment,
And to their sadness.

I had never thought,
Not even dreamed,
Heavy felt every step,
Never so desperately,
Narrower felt each passage,
To my parents' daily observation,
And to their dismay.

But still they were strong,
Harder than diamond,
Impossible to shake their spirits,
Time admitted defeat in the end,
Thanks to their nerving nerves,
I could only muster strength,
And I walked upright again.
My HP Poem #937
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
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