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May Asher
Dec 2015
My Rusted Dreams
I’m staggering and stumbling on air
climbing the clouds as I tear
Because I can’t still see the rays of sunshine
And twinkling starlight in the night
I build hope with fragile beams of light
And sew them into my dreams
It’s constant blue stretching beyond my sight
And specks of white floating in these heights
But sky turns dark again and I shiver
And I soak again and cry and quiver
And I watch while the light fades
From my brittle dreams and false hope
And the clouds beneath me cracks open
And I fall through, tearing the layers of sky
I scream in the dark and my joints snap apart
And muscles tear and eardrums rip
And my shins split and knuckles wrench
I drown into seas and my broken body drenches
And I take breaths through my torn lungs
And try to move my severed bones
And my heart bear scars, all rusted and dried
and failing to beat one more time
And my dreams scatter on the clouds
I want to scream but my voice is gone
My whispers don’t carry through
And tears spill out my ebony eyes,
reflecting all shades of black
But not one beam of sunlight
I break down and let my mouth drop open
As if I could howl despite my slitted vocals cords
But only blood seeps through the blue
And I notice my gashes bleed
And streams of vermillion track around my arms
And neck, hands and legs. I’m all finished
And my veins burst and bloodstream erupts
And tendons break and numbness claims me
I’m gone because once I believed
I could build my dreams amidst the sky
The blue cradles me for I’m tired to stay up
And water gushes down my throat
And leaks into my lungs
And my insides suffocate
My last sight is sheer darkness
And only one star as it breaks away
And streaks across in silence
I smile and let go slowly
As the pain fades
And memories are left behind
I’m leaving here forever
As moon smiles and draws my soul
And wraps me in shimmering moonlight
And stars show me my place
And I start my eternity as a dim glow
As a star that’ll never fade, never break
As a light that will never flicker
A glimmer, one amongst the thousand others
But I wish I could be a beam of sunlight
And reflect across the clouds
And maybe collect my dreams
And keep them forever.
Written by
May Asher
17/F/Jeddah, KSA
(17/F/Jeddah, KSA)
Sam Y Starlight
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