Today I stopped trying to be 'someone' for somebody who never thought of me as anyone appreciated and important to them.
Inside I know the space I had for them is now crushed and broken..
Let the facts be out in the open and the truth be spoken...
In time it will be for the best...although I feel an emptiness...knowing what I considered worthwhile..proved shallow and unreal.
I've learned sometimes emotions seem clearer than perception..and eventually can lead to a heartbreaking revelation that someone cherished proves that their friendship was in fact deception.
I cry tears of realization that once again I believed the lies that were in disguise and covered up...
Honesty was masked with coy flattery. Why was I so **** naive?
I can and will move on...but I won't forget I was forgotten and actually believed a lie. Not a lie out of the mouth...but of the heart.
That piece of friendship is now torn apart....
I mustn't be sorry for the encouragement and love I shared...because I know what I offered was itself a dare. A dare to let someone be a part of me...who didn't find a reason to care.
Moments like these are rare... moments that I feel what I felt to be 'nothing' now and bare.
Thanks for the lesson learned. I will always remeber. I never forget.