Sometimes I put my headphones in No music playin Just to muffle out the background noise Of all they're sayin , all the empty conversation I'm secretly sat here craving From Better days when This paranoia wasn't constantly Invading my brain and I could entertain it Sit here without fear Cause I was going somewhere With people I could call friends Without questioning motivations
Unquestioning motivation Faltered Now sleign , altered And warped by blame checked into the Awk-ward I wait in urgency hoping This was no accident And I'll imerge and see The bigger picture Fat-e But for now I shrink Violently Weight droppin off of me still feelin heavy Propped up on this bus seat Weighing up whether I should miss my stop Cause I'm not sat near the bell And God forbid I ask someone for help
Cause then they'd have to look at me
But don't look at me, Don't you dare look at me! I can't face you today I can't even face me That's why I don't take a window seat And you have to begrudgingly Shimmy past me to take yours Or walk past to the back Silently cursing me
I wish you'd sing instead I've got no music playin Clear my head lend an Ear-nestle next to me Did I not earn your earnesty? If I've got your back Won't you back me? Or will I turn round Reach out Only to find your shadow stretchin Out of reach Like a weary soul-dier you take your leave...
I try to shake mine off Anxietree Break some branches, Tryin to get free Oh-live! They Silently scream But I'm struggling To even make it off my seat Go live In three But I can no longer perform Go on without me Forget me Only thing on the way up Is mum's spaghetti! Need some Bob Marley Get up, stand up But my legs won't let me! Musics off So it's down to me Get up, stand up Used to be so easy Get up stand up
Your bus stop is here
No music playin in my ear But right now I could do With a mellowdy
When ringing the bell on the busΒ Β becomes a struggle! Maybe I should start carrying my own haha!