Live... Like a caterpillar that passes through metamorphosis before it becomes a butterfly Like a rose, beautiful but strong, can make you hate or love Like the wind, invisible but never leaves you,it's always around Like the sun that warms but burns when too much beams you have
Just live... Even the road you are taking is too rough and tough Even the sky is cloudy and there's a coming rain Even the sea is wavy and still you have to sail Even you are afraid to be hurt and feel the pain
Always live... Remembering the moments of joy and not the misery Listening to good songs and not the screams of fear Considering how you stand after hundred times you fell Believing you can smile and laugh after all the tears
And now you live... With hopes and dreams, with faith and love With strengths over weaknesses, peace over strife With a rainbow-colored picture of a promised tomorrow With every moment spent to the fullest, be grateful of this life!