I chose feminism because I believe in equality between genders. because I’m against gender roles, men who need a woman to get their **** done are not “cute” and are nothing but spoiled little brats. because my virginity, my body hair and how I dress up are none of your business. I chose feminism because I’m not a *** machine nor a baby producer I value much much more than that. because I don’t need a man to validate my self worth, I already know what I’m worth. because in some countries ***** women are forced to spend the rest of their life under the same roof as their assaulter. I chose feminism because a woman who speak up and raise her voice is a ***** . because in my city a woman was beaten by her husband the night of their wedding because she didn’t “bleed” in the *******. I chose to speak up because an 8 year old Yemeni girl died of internal injuries at the hands of 40 year old husband on their wedding night. because ****** is not a ***** word and my periods are not disgusting. because more women need to speak up and speak for their rights I chose feminism and everyone should do the same .