It’s time now to think again To revive the past and also to rejuvenate Time to think again
Let’s give it a second thought Let's forget and forgive all that what went wrong in the past It’s time to move ahead from the past into the present It’s time now to execute in the present.
A desired line of action needs to be followed keeping in mind that everything will fall in the right place at the right moment of time While doing so it’s important to keep a positive frame of mind.
It’s the urge, the willingness, the passion, the sheer exuberance that counts It’s the experience that matters It’s also about learning something new It's time now to rise after a fall To forget about the failure from the past and then move ahead to do something new Definitely it takes a lot of time, but seldom it’s true Experience is something that each individual should have of his own Once an individual becomes experienced, then definitely he can cherish the memories and golden moments from the past Definitely experience comes along with time and the unflinching desire to achieve something in life.